Innovation in the telecom industry is accelerating. Networks need to adapt quickly to the changing capacity requirements and applications demands. These requirements include faster provisioning, deployment, and upgradeability for network services. Automation is a key element in all of these requirements. In a recent webinar produced with Light Reading, Kevin Sheehan, Ciena’s CTO of the Americas, looked into how providers are utilizing Ciena’s vision for the Adaptive Network to go beyond mere automation. This document features case studies from three of these providers.
Start the Journey to the Adaptive Network: Real-world Case Studies webinar recap
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Technologie d’accès nouvelle génération pour les ...
Les MSO par câble recherchent des infrastructures de paquets qui assureront des performances optimales et rendront possible l’int ...
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Chalk Talk : Qu’est-ce que Fiber Deep ?
Dans cette vidéo Chalk Talk, Wayne Hickey, spécialiste des MSO par câble chez Ciena, aborde ce sujet en détail.
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Fiber Deep pour réussir à l’ère du gigabit
This paper shows how an operator can get ahead of the trends through the use of digital optics and packet networking.
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