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Executive Brief Analysys Mason : De l’autonomie à ...

This executive brief aims to set a clear vision for future ‘adaptive’ wide area networks and their operations. It provides an ada ...

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La 5G. Bien plus qu’une modernisation du réseau s ...

La 5G est actuellement un sujet brûlant sur le marché des technologies sans fil. Mais, comme l’explique Brian Lavallée de Ciena, ...

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Notes d’application

L’Ethernet de classe opérateur comme base des rés ...

This paper examines how a Layer 2 switching capability based on carrier-grade Ethernet offers the most scalable, reliable, and se ...

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Notes d’application

Transport de vidéo numérique pour des application ...

Ciena’s Digital Video Transport solution provides cost-effective packet-optical transport, and enables uncompressed, native SD, H ...

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Fiches techniques

WaveLogic Photonics : Renforcer son avantage comp ...

Les composants WaveLogic Photonics sont les systèmes photoniques intelligents, totalement équipés de Ciena, composés des éléments ...

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Études de cas

Le réseau d’enseignement de l’Utah fournit une ba ...

En travaillant avec l’université d’Utah, le réseau d’enseignement de l’Utah a relié la communauté des chercheurs à une infrastruc ...

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Notes d’application

Des réseaux de pointe offrent de nouveaux modèles ...

The film and TV production and broadcast industries are in a major transformational stage—from yesterday’s physical, manual world ...

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Livres blancs

Stratégies de réseau pour réduire les coûts face ...

This paper discusses how OTN and MPLS-TP can be jointly deployed to optimize IP router infrastructures.

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Études de cas

Internet2: Building America's First National 100G ...

Internet2 worked in partnership with Ciena to deploy America’s first nationwide 100G network, which delivers 100G connectivity fo ...

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Livres blancs

L’impact des services OTT sur le réseau de liaiso ...

Many mobile operators have deployed a traditional IPoDWDM architecture for mobile backhaul, which was sufficient when network tra ...

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Notes d’application

Parfois, plus signifie plus : les avantages d’un ...

Building a private network—whether campus, metro, regional, or nationwide—becomes more attractive with the need to support big da ...

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Livres blancs

The Utility of the Future

This paper addresses the current status of the electric grid, explains why upgrading to a Smart Grid is necessary.

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Livres blancs

GeoMesh : capacités de test intégrées

Ciena is enabling significant opportunities to increase revenues by offering market-leading 100G-based transatlantic and transpac ...

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La nouvelle périphérie de paquets en trois étapes

Metro networks are growing and changing and require new thinking to capture new revenue. This paper offers three easy steps to so ...

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Repenser la tête de réseau

As the volume of video traffic continues to expand throughout MSO networks, time has come to reconsider how networks can best res ...

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Livres blancs

Un réseau de communications plus intelligent au s ...

As electric utilities evolve to the smart grid, they need a comparable evolution of the underlying communications network.

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WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select

Purpose-built for high-capacity access, aggregation, and distribution networks, Ciena’s WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select is an ...

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Surmonter les cinq principaux défis de l’intercon ...

This paper details five of the biggest DCI challenges, and offers transformative solutions for reducing or eliminating them.

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Livres blancs

La technologie des petites cellules, de grosses o ...

Small cells allow the mobile network to improve in both coverage and capacity, which facilitates web-scale architectures even fur ...

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Fiches techniques

Fiche technique produit du 5160 Service Aggregati ...

The 5160 is based on Ciena’s field-proven packet networking technology, with hundreds of thousands of systems deployed by operato ...

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Fiches techniques

Fiche technique produit du 5142 Service Aggregati ...

Le commutateur 5142 Service Aggregation Switch (SAS) de Ciena est un commutateur de paquets compact à haute densité offrant un fa ...

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Fiches techniques

Portail SLA

Ciena’s cloud-based SLA Portal enables service providers to dramatically improve end-customer satisfaction and retention.

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Fiches techniques

Z77 Packet-Optical Platform

The Z77 combines massive capacity with modular functionality. It complements the Z22 and Z33 for a complete solution from the edg ...

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Fiches techniques


Ciena’s 3938vi Service Virtualization Switch is a compact, smart CPE platform that delivers 10GbE service capability with Virtual ...

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